Have you ever had the desire to add new features or customize Atlassian products? Well, you can do just that by building your own Atlassian plugin. We provide the plugin framework and an SDK to make this possible. If you want to learn more, you’re invited to attend the plugin courses we’re offering on Sept 19th just south of San Francisco in Half Moon Bay.
We’re offering three classes for Java developers: Getting Started with Atlassian Plugins, Intermediate JIRA Plugin Development, and Intermediate Confluence Plugin Development. Bring a laptop, install the latest JDK, get your favorite IDE loaded up, and get ready to build plugins for Atlassian products.
We’ll walk you through all the steps needed to get your environment up and running, how to build a simple plugin and move on to building more complicated plugins specific to our products. To get the most out of your experience, consider staying on and attending AtlasCamp, our annual developer conference. Learn about the the newest SDK and plugin framework, get tips on how to make your plugin successful on the Atlassian Marketplace, meet with the 30+ Atlassian devs, product managers, and executive team, and get plugin tips and tricks from our extensive developer network.
Far from just dev talk, we all like to have fun, too. So please plan to stay for the reception following training and the AtlasCamp party on Thursday night. Will your significant other be upset if you disappear to AtlasCamp for a few days? Bring him or her along for a free “Partners track.”